Official / Court Liquidations
Creditors Voluntary Liquidations
Simplified Liquidations
Members Voluntary Liquidations
Our Partners are Registered Liquidators and have extensive experience in all forms of corporate insolvency with 60+ years of combined experience.
Our expertise enables us to maximise the value for stakeholders through the insolvency regime with a focus on business rehabilitation through voluntary administration, deeds of company arrangement and small business debt restructuring or, if that is not possible, the liquidation of the business.
We also act for financiers, banks and other lending institutions when recovering debts that are secured over the company(s) assets by the appointment of Receivers and Managers.
Navigating and choosing the right type of appointment can be difficult and we would recommend you contact us to discuss the various options. Being fully informed will benefit your decision making.
Directors and officers of Company(s) that may be insolvent or likely to become insolvent should be mindful of their fiduciary duties to the Company and its stakeholders and seek advice immediately. Early intervention is critical for successful restructuring and mitigating personal exposure.
The types of formal insolvency include:
creditors’ voluntary liquidation (“CVL”) (initiation by directors and shareholders)
simplified liquidation (for companies with less than $1 million in liabilities); and
court liquidation (initiated by a winding up application made by, in most instances, a creditor)